Shipping Process: Order turnaround time: The turnaround time for our products is usually 1-2 business days, it may depend on the suitable customer address and product availability.

Shipping Services: We use various shipping services for our products such as delivery charges, commercial transportation, or other services as available.

Delivery Time:  For the transfer of your order, the delivery time depends on your location and the shipping service selected. Generally, it is completed within 3-7 business days.

Updates and Status: We will provide you with regular updates on the status and progress of your order. You can also check the status of your order by logging in to our website.

Updates and Instructions:  Please take note to think through the updates and follow the instructions that may be required at the time of shipping.


If you have any questions or need any assistance regarding shipping, please contact us at:

Effectiveness of Policy:

This shipping policy is designed to provide clarity and reliability to our users at the time of their order. This policy becomes effective: January 1, 2024